Alternative Education Provision

We have been running a successful Alternate Education Provision for young people in the Plymouth area for nine years and are now transferring our skills to Devon.

Our Alternative Education provision offers a valued based approach that focuses on building positive relationships. Creating a supportive and inclusive environment, and empowering children to take an active role in their own self learning and development.

This can be especially effective for children who are difficult to engage, whether due to emotional struggles or past experiences of trauma or other challenges.

By providing safety and consistency, our Valued based approach can help children feel more secure and supported, leading to greater engagement and participation towards their formal and or social learning.

Values Based Education Curriculum

Our individualised Values Based Curriculum, and our experienced Support-ed team, work with the young person to understand and recognise their inner values whilst undertaking specific targeted work to develop identified values. This is achieved by named workers who are identified to meet the young person's specific needs and interests, who can take advantage of the 1-2-1 working environment to tailor a meaningful learning experience for our young people, helping them to overcome barriers and achieve their goals in education and life.

A Holistic Approach

We have created a holistic group of workers who all bring their own areas of expertise to enhance the self-learning of the young person, whilst supporting their families and schools.

Tailored Education

Some of our qualified educators/teachers can take advantage of the 1-2-1 context in that we work creatively to tailor a meaningful learning experience, whilst developing a thirst for self-learning using the young person's passions and interests.

Commited To You

Support-ed connects with and works with young people who have experienced difficulties that continue to impact their lives. Our specialist provision provides a platform to give them the best opportunity to get them back on track: We don't give up!

When working with young people, Support'ed recognise that accessing education begins with a strong value base. During their first term, each young person we support will focus on the following 8 values


Self care is giving the world the best of you. Instead of what's left of you.

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Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.

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A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you for who you are today.

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Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever.

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Community is much more than belonging to something; it's about doing something together that makes belonging matter.

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Empathy is seeing with the eyes of another, hearing with the ears of another and feeling with the heart of another.

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Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.

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Trust is the glue of life. It's the most essential ingredient that holds all relationships.

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An Outstanding Track Record


Engagement rate with young people in our provisions


Successfully maintained their education provision or transitioned to other formal education provision


Success rate in finding employment (Within Post 16)


Success rate in transitioning into a formal post-16 education/vocational provision (Within Post 16)

One young man we supported was at risk of being removed from the family home due to the nature of his behaviour towards his parents and younger siblings. We spent time getting to know him, allowing him to open up and talk about the things which challenge him. We found an educational setting which could cater for his specific needs and interests and transitioned him into it. He is now attending and building his skill set so that he can move forward towards his goal of employment when college is finished. Life at home for the family has improved significantly and the risk of the young person being removed from the home has been reduced

We specialise in working with young people who:

  • Have experienced several Adverse Childhood Events, leading to trauma and attachment difficulties and have therefore struggled to engage in or maintain attendance within an educational environment.
  • Have experienced or are at risk of a family breakdown.
  • Are within the care system or at risk of entering the care system.
  • Have a range of learning needs, including Autism, ADHD, learning disabilities, learning difficulties etc.
  • Experience high levels of anxiety and need extra support to help them understand themselves and guidance on the next steps that they need to take.
  • Have a history of drug and alcohol misuse and may be at risk of County Lines

Extracurricular Encouragement

Martial Arts


Engaging with nature

Being active and taking part in a sporting activity and the wider community is incredibly beneficial to our physical and mental well-being, the two of course being inextricably linked. We create opportunities for our young people to access a variety of different sports.

The aims are to:

  • Improve physical health
  • Improve mental well-being
  • Provide structure through a fun and physical activity
  • Develop a healthy attitude towards goal setting and failure
  • Develop focus, and determination and learn to overcome fear
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Support'ed is a professional, person-centred organisation, based in the South West of England who are committed to the support and education of individuals with learning disabilities and complex histories

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Learning Disability England Member
Care Quality Commission Support'ed
Driving Up Quality

© Support'ed Ltd 2022 - Company Registration No: 9310446