Into Education

Meaningful Education

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Alternative Education Provision

Bespoke education and learning for life

Over the past 7 years working with young people, we have recognised the fundamental need to help young people develop positive human values.

We work alongside young people to explore and experience the feelings of trust, respect, honesty and humility; whilst providing them the opportunity to think and practice living within the safe professional relationship we build with them. We believe you do not teach these values but instead enable the development of these positive habits, skills and dispositions through role modelling and the person experiencing them first-hand enabling them to live as an active member of the community.

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Our Education Areas

Bridging barriers and improving lives

We have used our 70 year’s worth of combined multi professional knowledge and experiences within the care and education sector to develop and provide a holistic approach for each young person. This enables us to engage with young people from mainstream education but also those with additional needs, this includes ASC, learning difficulties, Attachment, issues ADHD, Trauma and behaviours that cause concern.

For many feeling detached, anxious and disconnected creates isolation and a lack of positive emotional experiences. We work to bridge these barriers and improve a young person's self-esteem and mental wellbeing, by focusing on individual barriers, enabling the young person to have a voice that is heard.

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One of the first steps we take is to complete a Support-ed Road Map with the young person providing an opportunity for us to get to know them, find out what makes them tick, and learn about their hopes and dreams.

We then tailor learning to meet their needs and interests. We make learning as fun as possible because people work at their best when they feel relaxed and happy.

Our education team are very experienced and committed to providing the young people the best opportunities and tools to be a successful as they can be.

We also work with families supporting them to find the best ways to support their child. This is an important factor with our success in supporting young people.

Term time data collection is undertaken with each young person in relation to their inner curriculum (their wellbeing, resilience and self-leadership) this enables us to target specific areas of development in the following term.

Developing the inner curriculum with the young person, alongside learning, helps us develop traits in young people which can often be barriers to being successful in many other areas of their life.

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Developing Individuals

Building confidence to unlock potential

Once the young person recognises that they are being heard their confidence grows and the next stage of work begins with the use of role modelling and supporting them to explore their inner values. As the young person feels calmer it is important then to create curiosity, which cultivates the desire to learn which we facilitate through every area of their experience with us, using our creativity and fun learning experiences that make sense to the young person. This stage is followed by the young person having some clarity of their learning and then exploring the concept of compassion and how this relates to ourselves.

When we recognise that the young person curiosity to learn is at a stage for them to be open to develop their knowledge our teachers will start to work alongside the school and our valued based development team in creating a programme of learning.

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Support'ed is a professional, person-centred organisation, based in the South West of England who are committed to the support and education of individuals with learning disabilities and complex histories

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Learning Disability England Member
Care Quality Commission Support'ed
Driving Up Quality

© Support'ed Ltd 2024 - Company Registration No: 9310446